Raja - Advaita - Meditazione - Jivamukti - Ashtanga - Nutrizione
मैत्री करुणा मुदितोपेक्षाणांसुखदुःख पुण्यापुण्यविषयाणां भावनातः चित्तप्रसादनम् ॥३३॥
Maitrī karuṇā mudito-pekṣāṇāṁ-sukha-duḥkha puṇya-apuṇya-viṣayāṇāṁ bhāvanātaḥ citta-prasādanam ॥33॥
Word for word (literal) translation:
Maitri:loving kindness (the attitude of being a friend)
Karuna: compassion
Mudita: to rejoice
Upekshanam: literally overlooking, but you can translate with equanimity
Sukha: pleasure, happiness
Duhkha: pain, suffering
Punya: virtue
Apunya: absence of merits
Vishayanam: of sense objects, of conditions
Bhavanatah: from the experience of, or from the abidance into
Citta: mind, feelings, emotions
Prasadhanam:clearity, calmness, to settle down
Full Translation:
¨By cultivating and by abiding into friendliness for who is happy, compassion for who is in pain, by rejoicing for the virtuous, and by being equanimous (indifferent) towards the un-virtuous, the mind settles down (relaxes, find peace).¨
वितर्कबाधने प्रतिप्रक्षभावनम् ॥३३॥
Vitarka-bādhane pratiprakṣa-bhāvanam ॥33॥
Word for word (literal) translation:
Vitarka: discursive thoughts, reasoning or over-reflecting
Badhane: being harassed, oppressed
Pratipaksha: literally counter-wing
Bhavanam: from the experience of, or from abidance into
Full Translation:
When harassed by (negative) thoughts, the experiential abidance into their opposite should be practiced.
वितर्का हिंसादयः कृतकारितानुमोदिता लोभक्रोधमोहाअपूर्वका मृदुमध्य अधिमात्रा दुःखाज्ञानानन्तफला इति प्रतिप्रक्षभावनम् ॥३4॥
Vitarkā hiṁsādayaḥ kr̥ta-kārita-anumoditā lobha-krodha-moha-āpūrvakā mr̥du-madhya adhimātrā duḥkha-ajñāna-ananta-phalā iti pratiprakṣa-bhāvanam ॥34॥
Word for word (literal) translation:
Vitarka: discursive thoughts, over reasoning
Himsa: violence
Adaya: etcetera
Krta: done
Karita: caused to be done
Anumodita: permitted (rejoiced of)
Lobha: lust, hoax, to trick someone
Krodha: anger
Moha: be stupefied (kind of.... being a bit dumb you can say.... mental sleepiness)
Purvaka: consisting of, connected with
Mrdu: mild
Madhya: medium
Adhimatra: intense, the highest
Dukha: pain, suffering
Ajnana: lack of true understanding
Ananta: infinite, endless, the Infinite Snake
Phala: fruits
Iti: thus, the end
Pratipaksha: counter-wing
Bhanama: abiding into
Full Translation:
¨Violent discorsive thoughts (useless mental repetitions) and similar ones, done, caused to be done or rejoiced with (participated with) which have greed, anger, laziness and dumbness as their prior cause - can be mild, can be medium, or can be very strong. Their fruits are infinite suffering and ignorance. Thus, abiding into their opposite is the practice to be followed.¨
हेयं दुःखमनागतम् I ॥16॥
Heyaṁ duḥkham-anāgatam ॥16॥
Word for word (literal) translation:
Heyam: it must be abandoned
Duhkham: suffering, pain
Anagatam: yet to come
Full Translation:
¨Pain which has not yet come, has to be abandoned.¨